Today has been a brilliant day talking with all the members throughout our renewals event at the Dell coming through the gates at 9am and still coming down at 3pm.. As that was going on it was the return of the Winter League.
The top 3 were very close and it’s congratulations to Craig Gorton winning with a mega bag of fish coming to 22lb 4oz 
Plenty of fish brought to the net 

The results are:
1) Craig Gorton 22lb 4oz 

peg 22

2) Mark Fairley 20lb 1oz
peg 28

3) Bernard Lees 19lb 4oz
peg 7

4) Mick Gorton 13lb 4oz
peg 8

5) Harry Thwaites 8oz (junior)
peg 3

6) Todd Barker 5oz
peg 6