News December 2020
Hi All,
I just thought i would keep you all up to date with the news over the past few months.
We have had a few changes on the RWAS committee with the addition of Mick Dodman as treasurer after Barry Watkins retirement. Chris Finn has taken up a vacant spot he is an ex serviceman with lots of fishing experience. Matthew Knowles has taken on the Vice President role which was left vacant after Barry retired. Matt will be taking the work off me as I have been unwell with covid and still attempting to recover.
Fishing at both waters has been amazing this year, i personally think the lockdown gave the fish time to feed and when we were allowed to return they were coming out in good numbers. The match season produced some great weights and it was neck and neck between Chaz Dowsing and Damion Poulter but it was won by Chaz, well done to all who took part this season. We have no news yet on a winter league return as it is difficult with being in tier 3.
Membership numbers have been brilliant, we have well over 250 members at RWAS which is the biggest number in many many years. We have update the website and made the ability to join online as well as the traditional method of paying cash.
Work on both waters has been really difficult this year with COVID restrictions and the only real work carried out was emergency work like tree felling and bank work. We have received a grant to improve the pegs at Syke but are unable to start the work yet. The welfare unit is still stuck on the car park at the present time but Alan Knowles has been preparing the site to move it to its final destination but the weather seems to have struck and it will be spring before this move will take place.
Stocking this year has taken place and the quality of the fish we awesome we have restocked Carp – Tench – Barbel and Ide. Its is great to see that these fish have been making an appearance over the past few weeks.
Predator prevention time is upon us again and i pleed with all members to help prevent our waters being used as a feeding ground by predators. The best way is simply to walk around our waters, this will scare off any comerants – herons or gooseanders that are attempting to feed. Last year only 6 people did anything to prevent these birds feeding on our waters. With over 250 members if we made our presents known it will keep the birds away and protect our fish.
Bailiffs are a massive important part of the club in ensuring the waters are patrolled and only members are fishing. We are lucky that we have now 3 bailiffs that have completed the EA course. Matt Knowles – Alan Knowles and Mark Fairley recent passed as EA Bailiffs and it is a great asset to our club. Well done !!
On a final note i want to say thanks for all the support over the last year its been difficult but we have survived and the club is on the up.
Gary Eaton
President RWAS